The only problem is that it's not so easy to find a gym in Brussels. J and I went to check out Passage Fitness on Charleroi and were assaulted by a pandering, hyper-aggressive sales associate who demanded that we join that day, or else lose the discount on the initiation fee. Since we're not looking for a local Ballys-for-life, we said no.
I then went to Aspria Avenue Louise, which admittedly is a gorgeous gym - but it comes at a price: around €200 per person, per month. And that's excluding the ridonkulous €500 initiation fee. Since Brussels appears in most other regards to be a relatively modest city, I'm not sure who can afford such fees (although the crowd in the café gave some indication).
Finally, we went to Physical Golden Club (if nothing else, these places have great names) on Place du Châtelain, which was unassuming enough - but I couldn't get over the women's communal showers.
So if you know Brussels better than we do, feel free to send a shout out with recommendations.
I hardly enjoy working out as much as, say, M does.
i'm so happy you have a bloggyblog!
suggestion: get knocked up as an excuse to get fat, and then nurse it off (700 nutella calories burned per day!)
how about some pilates videos?
work that core and learn your french physiology vocab all at once!
Health City on Av. Louise a little past rue du Chatelain is about 30 euros a month.
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